So, I know I'm late on getting this thing rolling, but my first find that proved useful was Jing. A few others have mentioned Jing in our classes and I have always been intrigued. It is a free download, which when running, deposits an easy user interface in the form of a glowing sun in the corner of your screen. While simple screen captures or image captures can be achieved simply with Macs and I guess PCs, I think the real benefit of Jing comes with the screencasting. It is easy as pie, even with the free version, to select the size of your capture, click on the video button, and record everything you are doing on the screen with audio. You can pause to bring up a different screen or catch your breath too! The one thing I haven't figured out is how to back up a wee bit to clean up a mistake.
We usually complete a few computer lab assignments during the year and they always entail the repetition of directions on how to access or use websites and/or tools. Creating a video tutorial that can be played by whoever, whenever is a great replacement for printed directions or my failing voice. I will just need to hand over the headphones...
As that plan ferments...I have created a much needed video (screencast), which I uploaded to our class Wiki. I noticed many students accessing the numerous StudyStacks I created and parents who do not know how to use the site in spite of the printed directions on our Wiki.
Wow, two birds with one stone! I love your use of Jing (did you have a script?) and every time you mention Study Stacks it makes me want to devote a couple of hours one rainy (or snowy?) day and put all of my vocabulary words in there. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Sherri! What a great way to incorporate both. I was all ready to try Study Stack, and then, our language association came out with a site called Word Play that is similar but just for Spanish! YAY!
ReplyDeleteI may use Jing, however, to teach the kids how to use Word Play and show them how to log in, choose games and/or flashcards, and check their progress. Thanks just gave me a great idea!
This reminds me of what Eileen posted about Jing. I think the idea of recording directions or a "how to" video is a great way to save your time and sanity!
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who have the new computers, there is another way to do a screen capture video. Open Quicktime, go to file in the toolbar, and you should see an option for screen capture video. From there it is fairly easy to use.
ReplyDeleteI really like screen capture videos. I made one for my students to introduce the changes to the server. As I played it they kept looking at me to see if I was some sort of vantriliquist (sic). I also plan to use it when I have a sub, so that I can record directions, show students how to do something, and have make it a little easier for subs.
Well Joe...that's why you're getting paid the Tech bucks! That's awesome...apparently no need for the Jing, though I think it makes it easier to save your videos on their server and some sharing seems to be pretty simplified as well. As per quality, the Quicktime recorder does work well! The movies are saved right to the computer's "movie" folder with a .mov extension and are easily played in Quicktime. I'm going to try to make a movie of making a wovie to share on this blog...wish me luck!
ReplyDeleteKeith, I love your idea of using jing to screencast directions for assignments. I think we can all relate to the scenario of finishing telling the class directions on how to do something and then have that one aloof student raise their hand and ask "What are we doing? where are we supposed to go?" Did it take you a long time to create? Also, like my peers, I want to devote some time to study stack as well. I might need to pick your brain on it one day. Thanks for sharing!